Monday, July 17, 2006

Six Weeks Old...

...and eating like a tiger! Baby Joey is obviously growing because he cannot stop eating today! He's a good little eater though (of course). And check him out in a real, big-boy outfit. He was stylish sporting the overalls!

This past weekend he even went on his first golf outing, as it was the 7th annual Stanton Family Irish Open. Grandma's team won (again, we think she cheats). Mommy's team did not do too well, but had lots of fun. Many great-aunts were lined up in the clubhouse (where he stayed due to the horrid heat and humidity) to help care for Joey while mom was out on the course. He was a perfect little boy for them :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, NENE, he's sooo adorable in those little overalls! (his "big-boy" outfit LOL).