Friday, June 09, 2006

The Grand Entrance

After 9 months of pregnancy, 3 weeks of contractions and thinking labor was "just around the corner" and a couple of tired and nervous parents, baby Joey made an interesting grand entrance on Monday, June 5.

This is the story of baby Joey's labor and delivery:

As many of you know, I had high blood pressure and lots of swelling, leading to hypertension and early stages of pre-clampsia, so I was scheduled to be induced Monday, June 5 at 7:00 am. I nervously went to bed on Sunday night, the 4th, thinking that I didn't feel quite right. At about 3:00 am, I was awakened with some strong contractions. I paced the house, trying to ease the pain by walking. Since I had been having contractions for 3 weeks, I figured it was just more of the same. However, these started to become more frequent and more painful. By 5:00 am, I was timing them to see how long they were and how far apart. In case you're wondering, no, I didn't wake anyone up and I didn't call big Joey. I just wanted to be calm and try to figure out myself what was happening. Plus, I knew I would be at the hospital in a couple of hours either way. When big Joey came to get me shortly before 7:00, I told him that the baby was coming today either way, as I was having timable contractions.

We arrived at the hospital's birth center after walking down what was actually a short hallway, but felt like an everlasting hallway leading to the great unknown - or perhaps hell. They were ready and waiting for us, but were surprised to see someone coming in to be induced having contractions. After settling in and getting comfy (haha), the doctor came to check me out for induction. Much to everyone's surprise, I was already dilated to 7 (FYI, you need to be at 10 to have the babes, 7 is quite far along). Dr. Friedman was so surprised, she even yelled out "Holy Shit," something that is funny now, but scared the hell out of me then! Needless to say, they didn't actually induce me because I had done all the work myself already.

By around 10:00, I was dilated, effaced and ready to push him out. However, baby Joey had different plans. He decided not to descend down the canal, making my job tough. After an epidural - for which we all thank God - I tried my hardest to push. However, my blood pressure was high and they couldn't get a good read on baby's heart rate. Also, the doctor said that it would be rare for him to come down naturally at this point. After a little discussion, it was evident that a c-section was needed.

If I remembered more about the c-section, I'd tell ya, but don't remember much. Just know that all of the doctors and nurses were wonderful and big Joey brought the baby to me after he was out to give him kisses on his sticky little cheek :) I was in recovery for about an hour and then rejoined with my baby and both of our immediate families, who were all waiting in the room for me, which was a lovely surprise.

Since then, baby and I have been attached at the hip...or, other body parts

Lots more pictures on the way!

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