Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Four Generations Together

Joey's great-grandma and grandpa Hudson visited us over Memorial Day weekend, bringing together 4 generations of Joseph Glen Hudsons. Amazing! It was so wonderful to meet them. They spent loads of time with Joey over the week they were here and he enjoyed them very much. We hope they come back to visit soon!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Birthday Parties

Joey had 2 birthday parties to celebrate the big 1. The first was with his great-grandparents who were visiting from Virginia, and the second was a small celebration on his actual birthday. He enjoyed the cake and presents immensely!

Birthday Party #1:

Birthday Party #2:

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday!

Joey is 1 year old today. It's amazing how fast time goes by when you're having fun. Happy Birthday baby boy! A little look at other 1st milestones, my how he's grown:

1 Hour:
1 Day:

1 Week:

1 Month:

1 Year:

Stop back later this week for photos of Joey's 1st birthday party!